Can white spots on teeth be corrected? Yes. We explain it to you with a clinical case that we present.
A beautiful smile is a common dream which boosts our confidence and self-esteem, especially when we are young. In this case, the white spots on the surface of the natural teeth bothered the patient, who was inhibited from smiling.
These stains can be caused by various reasons:
- Excessive use of fluoride;
- Vitamin deficiency;
- They can even indicate the beginning of a caries lesion.
In this sense, scheduling a dental consultation is of utmost importance to understand the aetiology of the stain and choose the most appropriate treatment.
In this sense, scheduling a dental consultation is of utmost importance to understand the aetiology of the stain and choose the most appropriate treatment. Subsequently, two minimally invasive processes were performed: “Microabrasion” and “ICON”. These processes are characterized by performing a “dental exfoliation” of the stain until it disappears.
As these white spots or “white spots” were still quite deep, in the end, a thin layer of composite resin had to be added to achieve the aesthetic and harmonious balance in this smile.
If you still have doubts, talk to our team of doctors. Schedule a consultation with us.