Prosthodontics Laboratory
We work with the best
Some of our oral rehabilitation treatments rely on the intervention of a Prosthetic Dental Laboratory. The choice of the laboratory is a crucial and significant step in ensuring the success of each treatment.
Human resources and technological equipment are vital factors when choosing partners to work with. The closer the professional relationship between the Prosthodontist and the dentist, the better. This good relationship facilitates communication between the laboratory and the clinic, as it is crucial that no detail be left out so that the result is achieved accurately.
The Prosthodontics Laboratory with which the Hugo Madeira Clinic works has mastered both conventional and digital processes. Whether it is the application of dental veneers, prostheses on implants or any other element, the dentist can achieve their treatments through the technology used in the laboratory.
Carlos Nicolai
Laboratory Director
How to choose a Prosthodontics Dental Laboratory
At the Hugo Madeira Clinic, there are features we consider to be fundamental when choosing a Prosthodontics Dental Laboratory as a partner, such as:
- Efficient workflow so that all cases are managed correctly;
- Compliance with the deadlines established in the treatment plan;
- Ensuring the safety of the techniques used, guaranteeing the durability of the treatment;
- Use of the latest technologies and innovative approaches, such as digital rehabilitation design software, 3D printers and milling machines;
- Qualified professionals with experience who guarantee the quality and excellence of the result;
- Use of high-quality materials, such as acrylics and ceramics.
This last is one of the most important factors, as it can determine the durability and aesthetics of the treatment.
It all starts in the doctor’s office
After the diagnosis and treatment plan is approved, the patient’s oral rehabilitation process can be initiated.
Using technologies such as the intraoral scanner, it is possible to digitally replicate the patient’s oral cavity and carry out the digital planning of the smile. In other words, pre-visualising the final result of the treatment, even before it begins.
In more complex oral rehabilitation cases, such as dental veneers or fixed total prostheses, the digital planning software makes it possible to determine factors such as the final position or shape of the teeth. And everything is calculated according to the functional parameters, physiognomic characteristics and the patient’s aesthetic expectations.
From the doctor’s office to the laboratory
To ensure that they deliver the best possible work, Prosthodontists can consult all the patient’s auxiliary diagnostic examinations and requests made by the dentist, such as photographs and intraoral scans. And this can be done at any time. The ongoing communication between teams simplifies the whole process of planning and carrying out the clinical case, boosting its success.
Tecnologias de eleição
Trata-se da capacidade de digitalizar a cavidade oral do paciente, passando-a para um software, através de um modelo 3D.
Com estas ferramentas sabemos que é possível aprimorar os resultados da reabilitação oral através do aperfeiçoamento de elementos como inlays, onlays, coroas, facetas dentárias e próteses fixas totais.
DSD — Digital Smile Design
O DSD — Digital Smile Design é a ferramenta através da qual é possível prever o novo sorriso de cada paciente. Este desenho digital do sorriso permite simular o resultado final ainda antes de se começar o tratamento, pode ser alterado e repetido quantas vezes for necessário, até se chegar à melhor solução.