In a nutshell: Yes, you can, as long as you keep your blood sugar levels under control. The inflammatory processes that Diabetes Mellitus triggers have direct consequences for the smile: firstly, they lead to recession of the gums and tooth loss; secondly, they obstruct the osseointegration of implants, i.e. the union between the bone and the implant.
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the diseases with the greatest impact on oral health.
A diabetic patient can have dental implants and fixed prosthesis fitted, as long as they are a controlled patient, i.e. a patient whose glycosylated haemoglobin levels are stabilised and considered ideal. To do this, there are some indications that you can and should follow, such as:
- Visiting your dentist frequently;
- Brushing your teeth and flossing daily;
- Follow a healthy diet and exercise;
- Monitoring your blood sugar levels before and after implants.
An uncontrolled diabetic patient (whatever the type of diabetes) will have difficulty healing and adapting the implants to the bone, as well as being more prone to post-surgical infections. However, even for these cases there is a solution.
This patient of ours, who you can see in the picture, is an insulin-dependent diabetic and did not have her glycaemic levels under control.