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A smile with a fixed prosthesis on dental implants

Nov, 2023

Applying a fixed prosthesis on dental implants, also known as “immediate loading”

In this article we explain the impact of one-day treatment with fixed prosthesis on dental implants, in a real clinical case that was presented on television in the Casa Feliz programme on SIC.

It is inevitable to explain that in addition to all the results visible in the photographs, this patient’s self-esteem improved in a surprising way. Besides economic factors, lack of literacy and health habits, self-consciousness is one of the factors that blocks the patient’s perception towards seeking a better health and aesthetic condition.

Our team rehabilitated this case using high technology to ensure maximum comfort and clinical safety.

This patient’s case is similar to many others that we receive from all over the world.

Postponing dental treatments and insufficient oral hygiene care were the main reasons why the patient had peridontal disease associated with pain, mobility and tooth loss.

As the patient had a large number of missing teeth (4 teeth remained) that were in an advanced state of deterioration, the solution found by the clinical team was full fixed prosthesis rehabilitation on implants. 

How was this fixed prosthesis treatment with implants performed?

On the same day, an oral hygiene appointment was carried out to control infections and bacteria, and then the remaining teeth that could no longer be recovered were removed.

The implants were placed and an oral scan was conducted so that the laboratory could produce the prosthesis in the next minute, completely digitally using high technology.

After a short period resting in an appropriate space in the clinic, the patient returned to the office to have her prosthesis fitted and regain a natural, harmonious smile.

banner cirurgia oral

Advantages of this treatment:

  • Treatment speed: By having a laboratory within the clinic equipped with cutting-edge technology, we are able to speed up the treatment in a very competitive way, which is reflected in the patients’ comfort as well as the doctors’.
  • Pain-free: Due to technology and new anaesthesia and sedation techniques, the patient may feel slight discomfort but will hardly feel any pain.
  • A comfortable experience: during the surgery day you will have a team with you at all times, so that without having to leave the clinic you can be properly orientated and informed. You will have moments to pause and rest and access to food appropriate to the day of surgery. 
clinica hugo madeira reabilitação
clinica hugo madeira antes e depois


When we say that oral health has an impact on general health, we can affirm that in complex rehabilitations, mental health benefits the most.

The sharing of the images and the text referenced to them has been expressly authorised by the patient for this purpose.The patient specifically consented to and approved the publication of her health data and personal case to the exact extent that it is made public, because the information is true and objective, and could contribute to the free and informed choice of other patients.


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